Renting Orbital Welding Products Vs. Buying Used: Which Is Better On A Budget?

Posted on: 10 May 2022


Orbital welding has become more popular as people find that it allows them to weld rounded surfaces, such as pipes, with accuracy, and more importantly, with better safeguards for the welder. The process is automated, allowing the welder to avoid having to reach under the pipe to try to weld it, for example. Still, it's not the only welding process, and many welding contractors still use manual welding. If your company has noticed an uptick in orbital welding inquiries, getting equipment would be advisable. The question is, if you're on a budget, do you rent or buy used?

When You Need to Work on Something Fast

How much lead time do you get for regular orders, and how many rush orders do you typically process in a week or a month? When you don't have a lot of time to get set up to weld something for a customer, you want to have the equipment you need ready to go. Owning your own orbital welding equipment here is a good thing; you can rent the equipment long-term, too, but then you run the risk of getting that one rush order when you have just returned the equipment to the rental company.

Customer Service and Warranties

Renting equipment gets you similar service to what you get when you rent a car: If something goes wrong with what you rented, you can call the rental company, and they can replace the item with one that works. You don't get that type of service with used-equipment purchases unless you have a warranty stating those terms. If you can find used orbital welding equipment that has a warranty that allows you to exchange defective equipment (or have it repaired on the seller's dime), that could be a very good deal.

How Are Your Orders Changing?

Maybe you started off rarely making welds on rounded surfaces, and renting an orbital welding machine was the most cost-effective option for you. But if you find that more and more orders are coming in for pipes and other parts where a welder would have to stand and reach around and under the parts being welded, it may be time to buy your own orbital welding equipment. Looking for used parts – and even contacting the rental company and seeing if they have some machines for sale that they're retiring from the rental stock – could be a more appropriate move for you at this time.

Repeatedly renting a machine can get expensive over time, even if you sign up for long-term rentals at a discount. This isn't a switch you should make lightly, but if it's apparent that orbital welding will be part of your business for the foreseeable future, acquiring your own equipment is better, and used equipment will be more affordable. For more information on orbital welding products, contact a supplier in your area.