4 Options When Choosing The Perfect Heating System For Your Commercial Building

Posted on: 13 December 2021


Heating a commercial establishment where many people work is crucial because it makes the environment comfortable. The heating system prevents condensation and makes the space ideal for industrial processes. Therefore, commercial heating systems are different from residential ones because they cover larger open spaces. Therefore, you should conduct your due diligence before investing in commercial heating and ensure you get the ideal system for your needs. Here are four options that you can select.

Using Heated Air

Heating systems that work by warming the air around them are among the most popular in the market. They draw in the cold air and pass it through a heat exchanger. The air then heats up and gets distributed throughout the building. The heat exchanger usually has the fluid that will infuse heat into the air getting inside the system. You can mount the heaters on walls, put them on the floor, or suspend them in the ceiling. You can also have ductwork distributing the heated air throughout the house. The best way to heat a room using a heat exchanger depends on the size and layout.

Rotating the Air

You can also heat your room using the air rotation heating method. It involves moving large amounts of air under a controlled temperature and low speed. The cool air below the system gets into it, which leads to destratification. The process leads to level temperatures between the area above and below. Rotation heating is efficient, and a single heater can provide the needed heat from the floor to the roof of the building.

Heating Through Radiation

You can suspend the heaters from the ceiling and have them heat the room from above. The radiant energy from the heater makes everyone in the room feel warm without necessarily heating the air. The main benefit of this system is that it continues heating the room even after you open the door.

Destratification Heating

The air in a building will be stratified into layers most of the time. The air at the bottom of the room might be cold while the one at the top is warm. The destratification heating method involves mixing these different strata to create a homogenous temperature throughout the room.

You should hire a heating contractor to assess your commercial heating needs and help you determine which system would be ideal for your facility. With their help, you will have a sufficiently warm and comfortable indoors for your crew.

For more information, contact a local company, like Fowler and Sons Inc.