Tips For Farmers Purchasing Cotton Pickers

Posted on: 12 May 2021


If you have fields of cotton that need to be harvested on a consistent basis, the best investment you can make is a cotton picker. This picker will make cotton harvesting a controlled and convenient process. Just make sure you use these tips when buying said machinery.

Make Sure Cab Comes with AC Support

There will be days out on your cotton fields that expose you to some pretty hot temperatures. If you have to harvest cotton for a couple of hours, these temperatures could really start getting to you. That's why you want to look for cotton pickers that come equipped with AC support in the cabin.

It will help you stay cool and comfortable, regardless of how hot it is outside or how long you end up using the picker to harvest cotton. You can adjust the AC settings too, as you would a traditional vehicle, making it easy to find the perfect temperature range for a hard day's work around cotton fields.

Go with the Best Brand

Buying a cotton picker is one of the biggest and most influential investments you could make for your farm and its cotton fields. You want to carefully analyze the available brands and ultimately go with the best one you can find based on research you perform.

Then your cotton picker will be more likely to optimize the way cotton is harvested and work great for years. Go through cotton picker brands and look at things like picker longevity, part availability, and repair support. 

Look for User-Friendly Design

You may have many tasks to complete around the farm and thus don't want to have a complicated process trying to use a cotton picker around fields. Rather, you want the picker to have a user-friendly design so that you don't have to work as hard or for nearly as long. 

Find a system that does most of the cotton harvesting work for you, where you just focus on going down row after row as straight as you can. The rest of the picker's components will do most of the work, so much so that you may not even need another operator.

Cotton pickers really do a lot for farmers that have cotton that needs to be harvested at certain points in the year. Do plenty of research on these machines, and you shouldn't run into issues finding an incredible unit that pays dividends. For more information about farming equipment, contact a local supplier.