Advantages Of Resharpening Worn End Mills

Posted on: 30 March 2021


If you are a milling machine operator, you probably rely on end mills a lot. They're a special type of cutting tool that lets you manipulate materials in endless ways. Over time though, these mills can become dull. If you decide to resharpen them at the appropriate times, you'll see these benefits come to fruition. 

Avoid More Expensive Replacements 

End mills can be an expensive cutting tool to replace. They can range into the hundreds, and that can cause budget problems if you're having to replace end mills pretty consistently. That's why a lot of milling operators will just decide to sharpen these cutting tools, as opposed to just throwing them out.

Resharpening end mills can give them their great cutting qualities, saving you from having to get replacements. And if you keep resharpening as much as you can, you'll save even more money over the years.

Receive Optimal Cutting Performance

Just because one of your end mills has become dull, doesn't mean it can no longer provide the amazing cutting performance that you're accustomed to. You can get this type of performance back by simply resharpening the dulled end mill.

You can do this yourself or have a professional company take care of this service. Either way, optimal cutting performance will be restored if resharpening is done the right way. The end mill may perform so well that you don't have to replace it for a very long time, as long as major structural damage doesn't show up. 

Modifications are Available

You may want to have the cutting performance restored with your end mills after they have become dull, but you also may want to tweak cutting performance a bit. That's also possible when you use resharpening services. Companies that offer it can make all kinds of modifications to existing end mills in your possession. 

You just need to tell them what type of new cutting performance you're looking for, which may depend on the materials you're working with and the type of cuts you're having to make. So not only does resharpening extend the life of your end mills, but it can make them more versatile too.

Having end mills that are no longer sharp can pose problems in your milling operations, but thankfully, resharpening is a service you can have performed. It can restore cutting performance and provide other benefits that might be perfect for your budget. For more information about restoring milling tools, like LMT Fette milling tools, contact a local company.