Is It Time For New Steel Pipe?

Posted on: 21 October 2019


Steel is supposed to last a long, long time, but it is susceptible to damage that could weaken the pipe and the equipment it connects long before its expected lifespan is up. Yet it's not always easy to tell when it's time to replace the pipe. In fact, sometimes you might think you have to replace it when you don't. Of course, you don't want to ignore trouble signs, so take a close look at the pipe, and you can arrange for new steel if needed.

Rusting May Be a Sign, or Not

Steel rusts, which is why stainless steel has become so common; it's meant to be rust-resistant and prevent the orange-red corrosion from forming and ruining the metal. However, even stainless steel can rust, and if you see rust on the pipes you have, you need to take a closer look. Rust weakens metal, so depending on how much rust you're dealing with, you may have to replace the pipe.

Sometimes the rust is surface-only. Maybe some iron shavings landed on the pipe and those are rusting while the stainless steel itself is fine. That's pipe you don't have to replace; you can clean it off instead. However, if the pipe metal itself appears corroded like the rust has eaten its way in, then you need a new steel pipe.

Connection Condition Is a Factor

Also, look at the condition of the ends of the pipes and how they're connected. Stripped threads on pipes that screw together or that screw into connectors are a bad sign. You can get pipe threads re-stripped in some cases, but if the corrosion is too bad, you need a new pipe. And if the pipe you have doesn't have threads but has damaged ends, that too needs to be replaced.

And Then There Are the Non-Metal Reasons

Sometimes it's not about the condition of the pipe, but the working conditions instead. If the fluid that will travel through the pipe is going to change to something highly corrosive to metal, then you need to change the pipe. The same goes for when the environmental conditions will change to those that are less optimal for the pipe you use.

Steel pipes are tough, and it takes a lot to make them need replacement with new steel. Inspect the pipes on a regular schedule to ensure you catch problems when they are small, and to find problems that require immediate replacement before anything gets worse.

For more information about steel pipes, contact a company like Hillenburg  Pipe & Supply.