5 Reasons To Consider Using Industrial Robots In Your Manufacturing Plant

Posted on: 18 June 2018


More and more businesses are discovering the benefits of industrial robots. Your manufacturing plant can also benefit from adding some robots to take over some of the day-to-day tasks. Robots are excellent at taking over repetitive, dangerous, or difficult tasks, allowing your employees to focus on making your business flourish. If you are still unsure about industrial robots, check out these five reasons they are an excellent addition to your plant.

Robots Don't Need Breaks

Your employees can't work around the clock. While you may have a rotating staff so your plant can stay open and productivity can continue through the night, employees need breaks. Even short 10 to 15 minute breaks can reduce productivity, but employees also need longer lunch breaks. Robots don't need to take these breaks. Plus, robots don't need to switch shifts like humans. When your staff switches shifts, there is some downtime and lost productivity, but a single robot can work all day, every day without getting tired.

Humans Can Become Less Motivated

Even while employees are working, they may not be as productive as machines. This is because many factors can impact an employee's productivity. For example, simply forgetting to communicate with your employees regarding the big-picture/goal for the company can make them feel excluded from the team and less motivated to work. Robots don't lose motivation. They can lose momentum if they need repairs or maintenance, however. So you'll need to stay on top of scheduling repairs and looking for signs of damage. You'll likely need to have certain employees specially trained in how to maintain and manage the robots.

The Final Product Will Be Better Quality

At work, you likely have some tasks you excel at, and they are probably the tasks you perform the most often. Industrial robots are typically designed to only perform one task, which means they do it well. You'll have to learn how to program the machine properly, which will likely require special training. However, once the programming has been perfected, the task can be repeated and mimicked again and again. This ultimately results in a higher-quality product. Plus, because robots don't get tired as their shift progresses, you don't have to worry about the quality declining. Employees who spend all day performing the same task can get tired, causing the quality to decline.

Robots Boost Safety and Reduce Injuries

Another common problem with repetitive tasks is that they can become dangerous. Not only can some repeated tasks cause physical problems, such as carpel-tunnel syndrome, arthritis, stress fracture, etc., but they can also allow your mind to wander. When you get so good at a small task that you no longer have to think about doing it, it's easy to try and multi-task or speed through your work. Both can affect the quality of the finished product, and they can also lead to accidents and injuries if you aren't paying attention to what you're doing when using big equipment.

You Can Save on Labor Costs

Getting industrial robots for your business is an investment, and like most investments, there is an initial cost. You'll need to buy the robots and get training for employees who will be handling the robots. However, once the robots are in use, you'll start saving money. One of the biggest ways you'll save money is on labor costs. With fewer menial tasks for employees to perform, you can direct them elsewhere. This allows you to grow your company without actually hiring new employees and increasing your labor costs.

If you're ready to give your manufacturing plant an advantage over the competition, you must consider industrial robots. They can boost efficiency and quality while allowing employees to focus their attention elsewhere. For more information regarding industrial robots or training, contact a company like WeldBot, LLC in your area today.